Explore a wide range of Swedish language institutes or courses by our partner organizations that cover all levels.
Where can I learn Swedish?
How can I start learning Swedish from abroad?

Aline Lessner/imagebank.sweden.se
Where can I learn Swedish?
As an immigrant in Sweden, you have many options to learn Swedish. Some options are accessible for free, while others require you to pay. Below are several alternatives for you who want to learn Swedish:
Svenska för Invandrare/Swedish for Immigrants (SFI)
SFI is usually the first-to-go option for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. This course is organised by the municipality (kommun) and available for free for all immigrants. You can register for this course by visiting your municipality’s office and bringing your personal number (personnummer). Since 2019, some municipalities do not ask for personnummer as long as you can prove that you live in your municipalities. This means that one year master programme students without a personnummer can also get access to the course.
Folkuniversitet offers Swedish courses from beginner to advanced level. You need to pay to attend a Swedish course in Folkuniversitet. Folkuniversitet is available in some major Swedish cities, namely Stockholm, Uppsala, Göteborg, Lund, and Umeå.
University Courses
Some universities offer Swedish courses for free for their international students. The time and place might be more suitable for you who are busy with studying.
Private and Online Course
If you want to have more flexibility in learning Swedish, enrolling in a private or online course might be a good option. Such courses usually have more flexible schedule and smaller class size. Our partner, SweTeach, is one of the course provider you can contact if you want this option.

How can I start learning Swedish from abroad?
Some online sources for learning Swedish are accessible from abroad. The following list are some options for you who want to start learning before moving to Sweden.
Our partner, SweTeach, offers a paid online language course from beginner to advanced level which is available from anywhere in the world. There are options for small groups and private classes.
Hejsvenska is another website that you can use from abroad to learn Swedish. Developed by the County Administration Board (Länsstyrelsen), it covers a basic level of Swedish using common themes for daily interaction. You do not need to create an account to start learning.
This is another website managed by Länsstyrelsen where you can start learning Swedish even from abroad. Besides cultural information about Sweden, the website’s film section offers some videos to teach you some basic Swedish vocabulary.

Are there any online sources to help improve and practice Swedish?
These websites and applications may help you if you want to improve and practice your Swedish outside your courses:
UR Sprakplay
This free streaming platform offers plenty of series with different topics to help you practice your Swedish. It has a specific section for SFI-learners. Your SFI teacher might have asked you to do an exercise using this platform. UR Språkplay translated the Swedish subtitles in their programme into your language of choice based on your Swedish level that you can adjust in the settings. Some UR Språkplay contents are also available for you outside Sweden. Access UR Språkplay here: ur.se/sprakplay.
SVT Play
SVT Play is another Swedish streaming platform that is free to use. Some of its programmes are accessible from outside Sweden. Its news programme “Nyheter på lätt svenska” can help beginner Swedish learners to listen and understand Swedish news. Advanced Swedish learners can choose programmes from various genres to practice their listening and reading in Swedish.
Språkkraft Reading Coach
This application works similarly to UR Språkplay. It assists your reading practice by translating new Swedish words into your language of choice based on your level. Språkkraft Reading Coach offers multimedia material for you to practice your Swedish, including news articles, music videos, and novels.
Svenska för alla / sfa.nu
This is a website that you can access while waiting to get a place in SFI. Under the section “SFI-Steg”, you can find a compilation of Youtube videos of basic Swedish lessons by SFI teachers.

Where can I practice speaking Swedish?
When you are already in Sweden, you can find the nearest language cafe (språkcafe) in your area. Language cafe is like a gathering session, usually accompanied by fika, where foreigners can meet Swedes to practice speaking. If you are unsure where to find one, you can check your city library. Usually, they organise a language cafe once a week. Alternatively, the Swedish church (Svenska kyrkan) usually also organises language cafes open for everyone. For a more detailed list of language cafes in every municipality, you can check out Swedish For All.

Are there any Swedish language exams/ certifications required while applying for jobs in Sweden?
There are two language exams or certifications in Sweden, namely TISUS and Swedex. TISUS is similar to IELTS/TOEFL. You need it when you want to study a Swedish-speaking programme in Swedish universities. A TISUS test costs approximately 1900 SEK. You can find information about TISUS on the universities websites.
Swedex is another Swedish certification created by Folkuniversitet. It covers three Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) levels: A2, B1, B2. You can take Swedex if you want official proof of your Swedish competence. Read more about Swedex in Folkuniversitetet.
However, it is uncommon to attach your language certificate when applying for a job in Sweden and many employers are not familiar with the exams.